This article analyzes the mobile game market's situation, including saturation, user behavior changes and publisher challenges. It examines reasons for players reducing consumption, such as game quality issues, model aversions, ad and platform roles, payment changes, D2C and subscription potentials, and community/reward power.
This article mainly focuses on the drug approval process of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It details the multiple stages including preclinical research, submission of IND, different phases of clinical trials, submission of NDA or BLA, FDA review, approval decision, and post-market surveillance. It also briefly mentions Glodom, a global top 100 language service provider with its capabilities and achievements in the language service field.
In the context of globalization, Chinese pharmaceutical companies are increasingly looking overseas. This article details the types and characteristics of drugs for overseas expansion, including innovative drugs, generic drugs, traditional Chinese medicine, and biological products, along with their respective advantages and challenges.
This document comprehensively analyzes the challenges and corresponding coping strategies in the overseas expansion of pharmaceutical companies. It details issues such as stringent regulatory approvals, fierce market competition, intellectual property protection, cultural differences and language barriers, and supply chain management. It also offers practical suggestions for each challenge, guiding pharmaceutical companies on how to succeed in the global market.
This article focuses on Machine Translation Post - Editing (MTPE), presenting an overview of the development process of Machine Translation (MT), concerns regarding MT and MTPE, reasons for the increased use of MT, and the future outlook of MTPE. It also showcases Glodom, a leading language service provider with expertise in game localization and a global service network.